We have a winner! Watch the spinning wheel random picker to see who won a FREE race entry for the #BestDamnRace in Safety Harbor on Feb. 3, 2018!
Note: If you retweeted or tagged a friend, you received an extra entry. You’ll see your name on the wheel more than once. Congratulations to our winner @BarbieSoAwesome! I will message your free race code to you. Thanks so much to @arunningbookworm, @osaurus.tampa, @jenzenator, @Ashley.marie.r, @candyl_dellene, @the_runningmermaid, @TracyGuida for entering! Discount Code for Any Best Damn Race
If you didn’t win or didn’t get to enter, please use my discount code: “ThisOldRunner" to Save $5 on any Best Damn Race in Safety Harbor, Orlando or New Orleans (www.BestDamnRace.com)
Next Giveaway!
I’ll have another race giveaway in a couple of weeks. It’s for a unique 5K in Orlando called the Quack Attack on Poverty 5K on Sat. Feb. 17 at Baldwin Park in Orlando, FL. You can read up on it here at www.quackattack.org.
#BestDamnRace #RaceGiveaway #BibChat #RunSafetyHarbor #RunStPete #RunTampa #RunFlorida #RunBradenton #RunOrlando #RunSarasota #RunFlorida #RunOrlando #RunNOLA #QuackAttack5K
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Hello!2024 Races:Feb. 24-25, 2024